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Comprehensive Planning

CCT Planning is unique and different from municipal and county Planning Departments in that a number of functions that would be fractionated elsewhere have all been consolidated under one Department.  


These functions being:

  • Land Use and Permitting.  A core function of most Planning Departments.

  • Economic Development Planning.  This function is done by Economic Development Districts (EDD's), elsewhere.  CCT Planning acts as the Colville Tribes EDD, and is where much of the Economic Development Planning for CCT occurs.  

  • Grants Procurement.  2015-present has seen radical success in Grants Procurement, and this success is rooted in the completion of planning documents by CCT Planning and efforts by former CCT Administration, such as Francis Somday and Patrick Tonasket, to eliminate organizational silo's.

CCT Planning will be uploading past Plans and Documents completed into this page.  What is seen below is a fraction of the work that has been completed since 2015.  

2020-2040 Comprehensive Plan Draft

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This is the first draft of the 2020-2040 CCT Planning Comprehensive Plan.  This is the solitary Comprehensive Plan in Washington State completed by a Tribe that adheres to many Comp Plan elements one finds in municipal and county plans.  

Parks and Recreation Plan (2018)

This is the first element of the updated Comprehensive Plan that CCT Planning completed; there were several elements.  This Plan has since been leveraged into millions of dollars in WA Parks funding to implement Parks improvements throughout our communities.  

Comprehensive Housing Plan (2020)

In 2017-2018, the then Executive Director, Francis Somday, directed CCT Planning to coordinate meetings and create a Strategic Housing Plan for our communities.  This document also is the Comp Plan component for Housing.  It identifies housing characteristics of our communities and provides a needs projection for the next 20 years.  

Capital Facilities Plan (2017-2018)

In 2017, the then Central Services Director, Patrick Tonasket, directed CCT Planning and Public Works to identify and inventory the Tribes Capital Facilities Inventory, and work with communities to identify potential improvements.  The outcome was a component of the Tribe's Comp Plan, the linked Capital Facilities Plan.  

Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (2016-2020)

CCT Planning is partially funded through an Economic Development Planning grant through the Economic Development Administration.  The main deliverable is our 5 year Economic Development Plans.  These Plans have been leveraged into funding for multiple projects, and CCT Planning will be completing a new Plan as FY24 progresses.

Retail Academy Economic Needs Analysis

Through regional planning efforts, working with multiple stakeholders, including Roni Holder-Diefenbach's organization, the Okanogan County Economic Alliance, CCT Planning had an Economic Analysis Impact completed that identifies various demographic statistics for the region as well as an analysis of what businesses could potentially thrive locally.  

Omak Industrial Park Master Planning 

In 2021-2022, CCT Planning procured hundreds of thousands in dollars in Dept. of Commerce Planning funds, this funding was utilized to create an updated Master Plan for East Oak.  The 2023 Plan identifies potential new development as well as existing infrastructure challenges and needed improvements.

Population Enrollment Study

For decades, Colville Tribal leadership have voiced a need to conduct a longterm population study of our communities based around enrollment criteria.  There are resolutions and directives from the 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, 2000s, etc.  In 2019 this project was initiated by CCT Planning, and was completed in a coordinated effort by CCT Planning, Tribal Enrollment and an external demographer, the Amherst Wilder Foundation.  

Out of 558 federally recognized tribes, this is the 4th such effort completed in Indian Country dating back to the formation of modern tribal governments as an outcome of the Indian Regulatory Act (IRA: 1934).  

Below are the summary report, the full report and assorted documents related to this effort.

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